
Technical Feature #3

We haven’t given any updates in the last couple weeks – we’ve been pretty busy in our ministry here in Indiana. The last update we gave was a functional update that showcased the beautiful Sokoto goatskin leather.
Today’s update will be a technical update to show the gilding of the Preacher’s Bible. All modern, new Bibles have gilding on the page edges. Generally, this is either a red or blue color under gold or silver. Sometimes, the gold is simply a sprayed-on color also, but usually, it is a thin colored tin foil. This foil is heated and melted onto the book block. The purpose of the Preacher’s Bible is pure quality. With that in mind, we have chosen to go back to the way mid-century Bibles were made – using real gold for the gilding. The Preacher’s Bible comes with 22 karat gold leaf melted onto the edges of the pages over that traditional red color. In addition to the aesthetic purpose, the gilding also helps to protect edges of the pages from damage.
I’ve attached a picture of a mid-century Bible from my collection, and as you can see, the gold has lasted for over 70 years and has helped to protect the edge of the pages. Also attached is a picture of two sample book blocks. The somewhat muted and dull book block on the left is a book covered with normal foil while the brightly colored book block on the right is covered in genuine, 22 karat gold.