Blog, Updates

Where Have We Been and What Have We Done?

After quite some time of silence, many have wondered what has happened to us and if the Preacher’s Bible is still being developed.

I’d like to give a number of updates to explain the last year and to inform everyone concerning the Preacher’s Bible. I will write about what we call “The Paper Miracle” in a separate post.


In November 2022, my (Jonathan’s) family and I moved from our home in Indiana and from our ministry as the Youth Pastor of Fairhaven Baptist Church. Without going into the detail of why we moved (if you’re concerned about the ethics of our leaving that ministry, feel free to contact me), God moved us to Kentucky. We have been settling in to our new home and ministry here – the Pleasant View Baptist Church of McQuady – and working to jump in behind our pastor – Pastor Dale Massengale. As we are in a new place, we obviously needed a new job. God led me to start a roofing company here to support ourselves. He has blessed us here in our first year.

However, this has obviously been a cause for delay in our Bible project. I have been working to get people in place in this roofing business to allow myself the time to step away and focus on getting this done as well as balancing time for my wife and four small boys and my ministries at church.

Proofing Problems

We decided long ago that we were going to engage the services of 2KDENMARK for our layout design. They have done fabulously in designing this unique layout. When we initially engaged their services, we were told that they would not be proofing our work (the Scofield in-text outline headings) but that the text would be digitally compared to ensure its accuracy. We spent time a year and a half ago to proof our Scofield headings before we sent them to 2K. However, when we got our first round of proofs, there were many errors in the text as a result of human error. As a result of a lack of confidence in the digital comparison, we have proofed the entire Bible to ensure its accuracy. Just this last week, we finished this exhaustingly massive part of the project that we had not accounted for.

I have a video call with our printer tomorrow to go over last minute details of the printing, and we hope that we will have everything to the printer in the next week or two. I’m looking forward to getting a timeline of printing and binding from Royal Jongbloed tomorrow so we can give an estimated time for delivery. I know many are as excited as we are to get their hands on these Bibles.