Text Features

Text Feature #3

Today we will give our last update on The Preacher’s Bible text. It was supposed to go out yesterday – apologies to anyone that was looking for it. Time got away from us.
We said the other day that The Preacher’s Bible is based on the Scofield layout. We have kept the text exactly the same page for page throughout the Bible; however, we have removed all the Scofield notes and the references in the center column. That provides some space for writing throughout the Bible. For some of us who write many message outlines in our Bibles, this is not enough space. To remedy this problem, we have made some changes to the spacing of the layout.
We have taken the center column (.75 inches in a regular Scofield Bible) and expanded it to two inches. In summary, there is a two inch column down the center and all the space at the bottom of the page where Scofield’s notes used to be.
We believe this is better than any wide margin Bible for a number of reasons. The space in The Preacher’s Bible is as much as or more than any wide margin, but the position of the space is so much better. For those that are left handed, it is difficult to write on the left margin because your hand is falling off the page. To write on the right margin of the left page, you lose so much writing space as it disappears into the binding of the Bible. The only margin that is great to write on as a left handed person is the far right outer margin. The opposite is true for a right handed person.
With the spacing of The Preacher’s Bible, the writing space is in the center and bottom of the page which will eliminate all of the previously mentioned problems. In addition (as we already mentioned), there is additional space between the lines of text for those that like to write between the lines.
We believe that this layout will greatly aid in the ability to create one’s own set of notes and references. Attached are a couple sample pages for viewing.
As a side note, the purchase of each Bible comes with a six month free trial of the digital companion app. We will give more details in a future update about this app, but for now, it is an exact duplicate of the layout in digital form with the ability to take (and share) limitless notes. There are many more amazing features that we will be sharing as it gets closer to launch in a few months.